Unhighlight Text In Pdf


When the properties dialog box opens change the 'Outline Color' to 'No Fill' and the 'Fill Color' to yellow so that you can highlight the text in a PDF. Change the opacity to around 50% and click.

Unhighlight Text In PdfUnhighlight

You can easily highlight, underline, and cross out text in a document in Adobe Acrobat Creative Suite 5 by using the Highlight Text Tool in the Comment & Markup toolbar, which you can access by clicking the Comment option in the Tasks toolbar. You can then choose Show the Comment & Markup Tools.

You can also access the Comment & Markup toolbar by choosing View→ Toolbars→Comment & Markup.

The Comment & Markup toolbar in Acrobat Creative Suite 5.

The Highlight Text, Cross Out Text, and Underline Text tools provide the same functionality and options that are available with the Text Edits tool, but with easier access. If you want to delete the highlighted, crossed-out, or underlined formatting to your text, just click the formatted area and hit the Delete or Backspace key. Your text will remain, but the formatting will disappear.

To highlight text, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Highlight Text tool from the Comment & Markup toolbar.

  2. Drag over the text that you want highlighted.

    The text is now highlighted.

To underline text, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Underline Text tool by selecting Tools→Comment & Markup Tools→Underline Text.

  2. Drag over the text that you want underlined.

    How-To: Use Carlson SurvCE with the Leica 1200 Robot The Leica robotic total station requires the activation of the “Extended GeoCOM” license before it will allow the use of third party data collection software such as Carlson SurvCE. Activation Information: The following information was provided by Leica in document Su11-05G. Extended geocom leica 1200 review. Leica 1200 Robotic. The new Leica robotic total station requires the activation of the “Extended GeoCOM” option before it will allow the use of third party data collection software (i.e. SurvCE or Carlson Field). Activation Information: The following information was provided by Leica in document Su11-05G.

    The text is now underlined.

How to highlight in a pdf

To cross out text, follow these steps:

Unhighlight Text In Pdf Template

  1. Select the Cross Out Text tool by choosing Tools→Comment & Markup Tools→Cross Out Text Tool.

  2. Drag over the text that you want crossed out.

    The text is now crossed out.

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